The majority of my blog posts focus on sharing positive experiences with a product, a brand, or a shopping experience. Spreading positivity is a key aspect of my content. Nevertheless, occasionally I also write about less pleasant experiences that have room for improvement.

Today I learned the buying process at Nespresso's Madison Avenue New York City boutique changed. The new way of shopping is not an improvement. It was fine the way it had been for years. Today's shopping experience left me wondering what Nespresso was trying to accomplish with these changes.
Prior to today, buying packages of coffee
pods was simple. I walked in, stood in an organized line and waited for my turn. The process was smooth and the wait was not noticeably long. The sales associates who helped me were efficient and to the point, answering all my questions quickly and clearly.

Today's Nespresso shopping experience was more of a hassle than a pleasure. I believe it went against the brand image that Nespresso believes it has.
Rather than standing in a line to be helped by a sales associate, you are asked to go to a board and scan the image. The image to scan is shown here.
Once completed, you then wait to be called. There was a problem with my scan and it did not register on the main greeter's iPad. (I don't know what the main greeter's official title is). She noticed her list did not include me so she entered my name in her iPad and I waited.
The wait was not long. However, these are the two most off-putting aspects of the new way to buy in the Nespresso boutique:
(1) There is not much room to wait in the front of the boutique. The previous buying process had people in an organized line. Now people are standing around, as if waiting for the track announcement at Penn Station.
(2) When it was my turn, my name was called. While Nespresso might be glad I came, I don't want everybody to know my name! Please, no need to hear names being called.
After I approached the sales associate, the transaction proceeded normally without any issues. However, I am wondering why Nespresso now requires customers to complete additional steps to gain shopping privileges.
Additionally, how does the new approach of having people standing around and being asked to move aside for others to reach the sales associate improve upon the previous organized waiting line?
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